Sunday, December 15, 2013

my yetzirah

my netzero
my yetzirah

yetzirah - kabbalistic term. realm of creative making. after binah.

from "words over herd"

internet and yahoo
enter netanyahoo

these weighty tomes
such mighty tombs



a number of my facebook friends are giving expression to their belief that after death we experience a great and eternal sleep. shakeskpeare had something to say about that, "to dream...ay, there's the rub". for the non-traditional believer, eternal sleep seems the best option. most unsatisfactory (sadist factory) in my opinion. believers are often accused of "wishful thinking", but, eternal sleep and nothingness, that's my idea of "wishful thinking". i am convinced it is "heaven"" or "hell", and heaven is essentially christian. oh, i'm not saying that everybody else necessarily goes to hell. that may or may not be the case, but what i am sure of is that "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord." i do reserve the possibility that there may be a place of waiting or purgation. my church teaches that, and certain passages in the removed books (shakespeare again: "pause, but look where my abridgement comes"...hamlet) indicate the same. i believe in the teaching authority of my church, and i accept the authority of the authorized scriptures.

out of earshot
out of here now

"the teaching should carry with it its own demonstration"
demon striation

doug pedersen, saguache, colorado

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