Saturday, November 30, 2013

eliotic eliotanna

started reading in, about and around t.s. eliot again this morning. learning things that had not that he wrote "prufrock" while still a student. i agree with eliot about so much in matters of politics and religion, although i am now a roman catholic and no longer strictly anglican, that's it's almost always sort of a homecoming to come back to him again after ranging "far and wide" as robert duncan has written. i am largely in harmony with spears as well, although he, like his great subject auden, remained high church anglican also. i chose or was chosen roman because i believe it to be more universal, agree more fully with its doctrines and positions, and believe it to be the church Jesus Christ establihed...on the rock of Saint Peter. it's a comfortable position, one i have been moving towards for quite a few years, and solid now for a year and a half.

i Have been reading contemporary new york poets quite a bit. i have learned a lot from a lot of them, although i disagree with the tenor of much that i read. a lovely lot, but largely misguided. i'm not a revolutionary, not at all. i'm a conscientious compassionate conservative catholic christian. that's about it. wish i had more money for books. wish i had held on to more of what i had. have a few eliot essays. wish i had more. apparently it's time to reimmerse myself in classical english modernism...a happy prospect, happy indeed.

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