Thursday, August 7, 2014

the end is near

don't kid yourself

one million legal abortions a year

in this country alone

openly endorsed homosexuality

legalization of demonically sacramental substances

rejection of the Principle of responsible male leadership

in the family and in the Church

rejection of the authority of Holy Scripture

there may still be a handful who have not

bent the knee to the god of Baal

maybe not

don't be foolish

the middle east poised for a major war

disease and famine and contagion everywhere

ebola beans

an obama/nation

a cogg/in a wheel

let those that have ears understand

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


if the essence of God is love, and the creation is an act of love; then why is there suffering in the world. it is really not that hard to explain. we do not live in the creation as it was first ordered. we live in a fallen creation, fallen because of man's disobedience to God, the same disobedience that continued throughout the history of the Jewish people in the desert, and which continues in the world today down to this very minute.

God did not ask just a heck of a lot of man. Just that man love and obey him, primarily in relation to His one principle command, not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. it might seem trivial, it might seem irrelevant or incomprehensible, but that was it; and man did eat and the whole of creation changed in its very nature. therefore death, sickness, suffering, war, and natural disaster.

there was and is only one way back into the garden, and that is through the voluntary sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon the cross in which He took the sins of the whole world upon Himself and offered Himself, His very death, in atonement for those sins. there was and is no other way. we have only to accept His generous offer of perfect forgiveness to have the hope of ultimate restoration.

common tators


janis is

in the beginning

in the big inning

there was a beginning


in the beginning God

God has always existed

God is outside of time

God created time

and space.

God is wholly other,

always immanent

always transcendent.

God created,

created ex nihilo

from nothing

brought into being

the heavens


multiple, perhaps

abode of the stars?

the Universe, perhaps

the sky

and the Earth


our home,

God created,

brought into being

out of nothing


material existence

God Is meaning


ultimate meaning

He precedes existence

except in the sense that

He exists eternally

in Him,

essence and existence are one

out of His great love

He brings existence into being

He endows it with His essence

the essence of creation is


Saturday, August 2, 2014

watermelon gardens

when i was a child, visiting my grandparents in dallas in the summertime, there were places called watermelon gardens all over town, especially in east dallas. they were little out of doors places with redwood picnic tables (sometimes redwood, anyway) and a tent or shed under which a man would cut large slices of watermelon at a fairly cheap price, perhaps, 50 cents.

one time i was with grandmother and granddaddy and uncle george and aunt lottie, waiting in line to get some watermelon. grandmother said to me, you can eat part of mine, gerry. no, i replied (i was maybe five years old), i want my own piece. uncle george thought that pretty amazing, that i spoke up for myself like that. i got "my own piece" that day, and try to now every chance i can.

watermelon gardens are a thing of the past, but i think of them when i am in houston in the summer, and there are outdoor beer gardens scattered around town. it's not exactly the same thing, but it is somewhat similar.

it makes my mouth water

also, when i was still quite young, maybe 10, we joined a fashionable country club in our part of town. i was often alone at the country club, and very friendly with a young woman named mary who was the club secretary. sometimes we would eat lunch together in the elaborate dining room. i would order a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and maybe a chocolate malt. in those days i could just sign a ticket at the table for whatever i wanted. but i sort of balked at the price of a peanut butter sandwich, and complained to mary. she told me my parents were paying for the atmosphere; and when i questioned that, she just told me to ask my parents.

sometimes i would order a dish of watermelon sherbert as well.

there was a teenage room at the club also, the bonton room. i often sat in there and played gin rummy with the lady attendant who sometimes had time on her hands. i was just starting to learn to dance back then (later i became an instructor), and sometimes i would dance alone to the juke box, a simple jitterbug or cha-cha. those were good times for me. i was often alone, but rarely lonely. i knew how to entertain myself.

another note on watermelon: additions to an old time andrew mellon, the pittsburg steel magnate and former secretary of the treasury, was approached by his daughter who told him that she was going to get married. honey, do, he replied, because you can't elope. he sometimes called her "daughter mellon".

Friday, August 1, 2014

omasaya fasoranti

was a student of mine at texas wesleyan university in freshman english in 1973. i think he was from nigeria or possibly kenya. i thought of him today. i had not thought of him for years. i remember his name because of an abbreviation i read in a footnote to shakespeare's "othello" about that time: om fas, i think it was. i don't remember what it meant. i looked for omasaya on facebook today, but did not find him; i did find a lot of fasoranti's, so at least i got that much right.

perhaps i thought of him because of the ebola outbreak in west africa...quite possibly. one of the infected american doctors is from here. i think he belongs to southside church of Christ. that is a fundamentalist church somewhat like the southern baptists, not to be confused with their sister church the disciples of christ or their northern cousins, the ultra-liberal united church of christ, once the congregationalists i think, if i remember correctly


repent, reform, renew

there is no God like our God

in fact, there is no other God.

put your faith in loving Him

and trust in faith until the end.

the Bible is His Holy Word

it cuts both ways just like a sword,

double-edged, that severs truth

from falsehood and can be trusted

not to lead at all astray.

take its love in full array.

its message always uniform

God's love and discipline the norm

worship only God and His

revelation will be yours. Amen.